Design 4 Accessibility
The Built Environment
Accessibility Consulting Services
(Please ask about our packaged service if interested)
On-site Accessibility Audits - 4 businesses, buildings, landscapes.
Pre-construction architectural drawing reviews.
Post- construction drawing reviews and recommendations for Accessible and Inclusive re-design.
Accessible Design for health, well-being, and resilience.
Restorative and calming design for people with sensory processing challenges.
Universal Design of shared public spaces, e.g. Parks, Playgrounds, Trails.

Inaccessible example Accessible Example

Our aging Baby Boomer population has now outgrown the population of those 15 years old and under.
Seniors and Elders experience changes in their abilities associated with natural aging. They want to remain active, engage, outdoors, with family, and participating in life as independently and safely as possible.
Universal Design ensures that the environment welcomes people of all abilities without appearing medicinal or unattractive.
Accessibility Consulting and audits can help you design space that meets the needs of all generations, provides beauty and access to nature, for all.

Water is great and we love access to it here in the Okanagan.
Universal Design ensures people of all ages and abilities have safe access.
Safe Pool Access matters to everyone at some point in their life; design of ladders and slope placement is ideal in the pre-construction phase. Powered lifts, aesthetic handrails and safe transfer stations, can benefit all users.
Accessible Docks and Yards benefit all generations.
I also recommend you speak with CRIS - Community Recreational Initiatives Society, Adaptive Adventures for additional information.

Accessibility audits of trails identify barriers to independence and safety.
Audits help recognize areas for improvement and provide recommendations on:
access point design,
signs and wayfinding,
power stations for power mobility,
tripping hazards,
sight lines,
security issues
rest areas needed,
so that all people can benefit from the power of nature.