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Anti- Stress Month - April

It makes sense to me that April is anti-stress month. Why? We can get outside, use our dormant senses of smell and basque in the richness of beautiful feathery songs or glowing buds and blossoms. Nature is the definition of anti-stress for many. Unfortunately for the rest, they have not yet learned to connect with the calming and energizing nature of a divine spring day. Many of us are living upwards of 90 % of our time indoors and this statistic is from 2009. The pandemic and encouragement to remain at home for work and play, has only upped that statistic.

If nature is a healer, and there is all kinds of evidence to that effect, then nature is a path to anti-stress. Dressed for the occasion, sunglasses and sunscreen in tow, warmer winds in our faces, ears fixed on the waves crashing onto our beautiful shores, eyes open to the bluer sky than we have seen in months, and the sweet scent of fresh blossoms inhaled deeply into our lungs... is free of charge. We all have different abilities when it comes to using our senses. We all can use our senses, as an anti-stress remedy... free of charge.

If you are working from home, take a moment or two on your breaks to dip your face into the sunshine, inhale deep into your lungs the scent of mornings (once, twice, three times), focus your gaze on the distanced, perhaps the formation of clouds, listen with eyes open or shut for the sweet sounds of feathered friends. This is mind-full ness of nature. This is grounding oneself in the restorative powers of nature; the healing powers of nature. When renewed and ready, you will head back into your home office and manage your productivity with greater calm and renewed energy.

Nature, the antidote to stress!

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