Design 4 Accessibility
This is not an exhaustive list. If you have some information that you think should be posted, please email me.
Thank you, Merci, way̓ lim̓lm̓t is Thank you
For Employers:
Canadian Braille Service - Joan added Braille to my business card after we discussed the type of paper I needed to use, how many words could be brailled into the space and her costs. I mailed them to her and within a short period of time, they arrived and I was so pleased.

For Seniors and Elders and Grants:
NEW- BC Housing -all applicants require an Assessment, which can be done by an Occupational Therapist
-- https://www.bchousing.org/housing-assistance/BC-RAHA

For Travelers- Tourists - Staycation:
Jeff Bourne - is a local Blogger who is working with the tourism industry to create a more accessible community. He is educating others and helping them understand the need for accessibility for all - Check out his Blog https://bourneaccessible.wordpress.com
Maayan Ziv - Is the Founder and CEO of AccessNow (Canadian) . She is a photographer and entrepreneur who developed an App to improve our understanding of how accessible our communities are.

Film, art, dance, and Culture and more!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rB46-sxlAU&t=2s - Wheel Love by Chelsea McEnvoy- heartfelt
https://rotarycentreforthearts.com/rca-at-home/virtual_cinema_house -- Check out Buddy
The Language House - Rotary Centre for the Arts - Presented - Sʔím̓laʔxʷ Michele Johnson PhD and Executive Director, lead activist and teacher of The Language House. Sʔím̓laʔxʷ provided an informative presentation on the work that is being done to preserve N̓syilxčn̓ and she demonstrated how her students were learning N̓syilxčn̓. Michele stood on the stage and walked the audience through a beautiful exercise of learning how to say words like Bird, Sun, and Brave. With each word she demonstrated physical postures, e.g. her arms flapped up and down as we spoke the word bird. The movements represented the words and repeating each word several times helped the audience learn the words. It was an amazing experience to be a part of.
Check out some very exciting Outdoor opportunities and some fabulous videos-
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqQATK9RcHo --- Accessible Okanagan Pitch Video
https://vimeo.com/4559535 ---- Re-inventing the Wheel - Trailer
Published Articles:
Design 4 Accessibility's mission is to remove barriers for persons with disabilities. We all need access to:
Health, inclusion, and well-being.
Visitable Spaces, especially playgrounds,
Access to Nature, especially in our trails, parks, and public spaces
Welcoming Workplaces
This mission needs your help - let's remove challenges together!
If you see barriers for persons with disabilities, let me know, write letters/emails to local governments, ask business owners to consider having accessibility audits of their businesses, and speak up in conversation. When you can, seek out and support persons with disabilities in their creative and business and outdoor ventures!
Thank you, Merci, way̓ lim̓lm̓t thank you, Shukran, Danke, Arigato, Grazie, ...and more

Design 4 Accessibility would like to acknowledge that it operates on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Syilx Okanagan Peoples. way̓ lim̓lm̓t
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